elderly fitness, strength and fitness

Your body’s best friend

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Protein! Here, we’ll break down the essentials of this magical macronutrient, why it’s your body’s best friend, and how to smarten up about your protein intake. What is Protein? Think of protein as your body’s Lego set, made up of 20 different amino acid blocks. Nine of these are Read More…

home workout, exercise

Why you NEED to train from home…

Why you NEED to train from home! Too often we have a fixed idea of what we need to do to get what we want. “I want this body, but I want to achieve it in this way…” There’s a problem with this. You’ve made it 10x harder to achieve your goal because you’ve limited Read More…

Rest, cup of tea, wellness

Why you aren’t recovering properly…

Why you aren’t resting & recovering properly… The kids are in bed. The dishes are done. And you’ve just switched the tv over to something you like. Perfect right? Maybe not… The average person’s relationship with rest and recovery is toxic. We see rest as lazy and recovery as weak. This mindset tends to kick Read More…

exercise, man, shadow

Batman hate’s the scales!

Scaling back on the scales… If your life was a batman movie. Your scales would be Bane. (He’s the bad guy by the way) And you’d be Batman. But Bane gives batman a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Just like the scales do for most people. The scales make you want Read More…

home, exercise, parenting, fitness

Exercising for successful parenting and work!!

Exercising for better parenting and work!! It can be frustrating and overwhelming to think about fitting exercise into your life. Especially when your life is already jam packed. So many of us have been told that we have to exercise for X amount of time or there’s no point in doing it. Or it must Read More…

Woman outdoors, woman on phone, running

3 Fitness apps you NEED!

3 Fitness apps you NEED! You can get a big step closer to your fitness goals very easily. There are so many helpful apps you can use, and I want to share with you my top 3. The great thing is that these can help you stay on track whether you are on holiday or Read More…

Morning routine, stretching, sunrise

The magic of a morning routine

The importance of a morning routine… A powerful morning routine can change the trajectory of each day! “You will never change your life, until you change something you do daily.” Meaning how you start the day tends to lead to the direction of your day. Because your: Attitude. Energy. Confidence. All impact the decisions you Read More…

pregnancy, exercise, laptop

Training in pregnancy

Training during pregnancy   Should you exercise while pregnant? How much is enough or what’s too much? What can you do and what can’t you? From a coach who has coached many clients successfully through pregnancy. Here’s everything you need to know about exercising during pregnancy! For most future moms exercise is a great idea. Read More…

Man spinning plates

4 Ways to spin the plates of family and fitness!!

4 Ways to spin the plates of family and fitness!! Many of my clients have kids, partners, jobs, and other responsibilities. I’ve spoken many times about seeing your values (fitness, family, finances, mental health) as things that should be supporting one another. NOT working against each other. When the things you want are in conflict Read More…

Holistic approach, health coaching

Does fat loss HAVE to be holistic?

Does fat loss HAVE to be holistic? Can you lose weight without the fluff? The fluff of learning, lifestyle management, counting calories and everything else. Can you just move more and eat less? Lose weight, end of story… That would be lovely. Here’s what else would be lovely… I’d just get a pay rise. Find Read More…