elderly fitness, strength and fitness

Your body’s best friend

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Protein! Here, we’ll break down the essentials of this magical macronutrient, why it’s your body’s best friend, and how to smarten up about your protein intake. What is Protein? Think of protein as your body’s Lego set, made up of 20 different amino acid blocks. Nine of these are Read More…

menopause, health and fitness, weight loss

Training through menopause.

Training through menopause! Over the last 6 years a large percentage of clients I’ve worked with have been premenopausal or menopausal. There are different challenges for women experiencing these changes especially regarding hormones. Hormones have a significant effect on our energy, sleep, weight management as well as mood. In this article I want to share Read More…

Why diet culture is so toxic…

I hope me and you can agree that everything we do comes down to our emotions and logic? These dictate our decision making and what we prioritise daily. We can kind of control our thinking but it’s a different story with feelings. Feelings are more powerful and hard wired into our identity. We crave motivation Read More…