Woman outdoors, woman on phone, running

Woman outdoors, woman on phone, running

3 Fitness apps you NEED!

You can get a big step closer to your fitness goals very easily.

There are so many helpful apps you can use, and I want to share with you my top 3.

The great thing is that these can help you stay on track whether you are on holiday or away with work for a couple days.

And these 3 below are free!

Strava –

strava app, mobile phone

If you want to get into running, walking, cycling or even swimming (if you have a waterproof phonecase).

Strava is a great app to keep track of how you are doing.

That along with the social support on there is always motivating.

There is a paid version of this app, but I have found it useful enough on the free version.

Which includes:

  • Live performance tracking.
  • Share performance with friends and get support.
  • See your progress between workouts.
  • Plan routes and save routes.

Knowing how you are doing with your performance definitely helps you with motivation in your training 😊

My fitness pal –

my fitness pal, logo

My fitness pal is an incredible app it sometimes surprises me how good it is for free!

It does have a paid version but there’s so much use on the free version it’s hardly necessary.

Recipe ideas.

Food tracking diary.

Food barcode scanner to log in foods.

Thousands of recipes that other users have logged onto the app to make it easier for you.

Educational tools on your calories, macros, and other nutrients.

The fact that you’ll be learning about how to eat better whilst achieving your goal here is a great combination.

When I coach clients on this app, they gain such an awareness of why their eating patterns are the way they are.

How we can make necessary changes.

Why they might not be losing weight or struggling to achieve what they want.

And as I always say food tracking doesn’t have to be forever. But it is important for awareness and control starting out.

Food tracking is like using stabilisers on your bike. They aren’t meant to be forever.

But they certainly teach you how to get momentum and control.

Tabata - 

Tabata app, fitness app

Tabata is an interval timer app you can use to set up around your workouts and circuits.

Rest periods are way more important than how much you lift, how many reps you do etc.

Using this free app keeps you in control of the biggest factor in your workouts.

You can play music in the background while using the timing intervals on here.

The fitter you get the longer time periods you’ll want to use. So on Tabata you don’t have any restrictions on work periods and rest periods.

No matter where you are starting from you’ll be able to get a great workout in.

Squats, press ups, planks, crunches you name it. You can add them into your workout with this app.

I use this for myself and clients all the time.

Having an app to keep you on track gives you so much control and flexibility in the process.

This is why many of my best transformations with clients has been on my private coaching app.

This is where I personally coach you from wherever you are.

Your home, local gym or outdoors.

This was designed so that I can hold clients more accountable than traditional personal training.

I support them with a messenger tool.

They send me videos of their technique improving.

Personalised workouts with me showing you what to do.

It integrates perfectly with Myfitnesspal so I can support you with nutrition every step of the way.

If you’d like me to help you every step of the way with access to my private coaching app.

Feel free to send me a message for help for 1-2-1 support 😊

Send me a message by clicking here.

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