Rest, cup of tea, wellness

Why you aren’t recovering properly…

Why you aren’t resting & recovering properly… The kids are in bed. The dishes are done. And you’ve just switched the tv over to something you like. Perfect right? Maybe not… The average person’s relationship with rest and recovery is toxic. We see rest as lazy and recovery as weak. This mindset tends to kick Read More…

scrambled eggs

Asian style scrambled eggs

Asian styled scrambled eggs. Ingredients… 3 eggs 2 egg whites 1 tbsp. soy sauce 2 tsp. sesame oil 1 1/4 cup (200g) mixed Asian vegetables 1 tsp. black sesame seeds coriander, to serve   What you need to do… Whisk eggs and egg whites together in a bowl. Season with pepper and soy sauce. Heat Read More…

calorie counting, mobile phone, salad, dieting

You don’t HAVE to track calories…

You don’t HAVE to track calories… Remember when you cycled with training wheels on your bike as a kid? The extra wheels would go next to your back tyres to support you as you are moving. This would stop you from falling off but also allow you to learn how to steer and cycle. But Read More…


Stress is making you struggle with your weight! Any time I’ve been really happy and present in my life I’ve not looked for distraction in the usual things. Food. Retail therapy. Validation from others. Alcohol. Have you ever thought the same for yourself? The thing about stress is that it makes you do things, to Read More…

Why diet culture is so toxic…

I hope me and you can agree that everything we do comes down to our emotions and logic? These dictate our decision making and what we prioritise daily. We can kind of control our thinking but it’s a different story with feelings. Feelings are more powerful and hard wired into our identity. We crave motivation Read More…


Jake was my first ever Online client!… But he did have a couple of concerns about starting the programme: How effective is Online Personal training for someone who is brand new to the gym and home workouts? 🤔⁣ Will Brenton be able to cater to my unpredictable work/family routine? 🤔⁣ Will this hold me accountable Read More…