menopause, health and fitness, weight loss

Training through menopause.

Training through menopause! Over the last 6 years a large percentage of clients I’ve worked with have been premenopausal or menopausal. There are different challenges for women experiencing these changes especially regarding hormones. Hormones have a significant effect on our energy, sleep, weight management as well as mood. In this article I want to share Read More…

vegan recipe, protein recipe

Chickpea scramble

Chickpea scramble Ingredients 2 cups (330g) canned chickpeas, drained ½ tsp. turmeric ½ tsp. paprika 2 tsp. olive oil 1 small onion, finely diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 8 oz. (230g) spinach ½ avocado What you need to do… Mash the chickpeas with a fork, leaving some whole. Mix in the turmeric and paprika, and Read More…

home workout, exercise

Why you NEED to train from home…

Why you NEED to train from home! Too often we have a fixed idea of what we need to do to get what we want. “I want this body, but I want to achieve it in this way…” There’s a problem with this. You’ve made it 10x harder to achieve your goal because you’ve limited Read More…

eggs, muffins

Egg broccoli and ham muffins

Egg broccoli and ham muffins. Ingredients ½ broccoli 5 eggs 1 clove garlic, minced pinch of chilli flakes, optional 4 slices ham, chopped 1/3 cup (30g) grated cheese What you need to do… Preheat the oven to 360F (180C). Place the broccoli in a pot of boiling water and cook for approx. 3 minutes. Strain Read More…

outdoors, outdoor exercise, pregnancy

Olivia’s training during pregnancy

Olivia’s pregnancy fitness journey. “I feel proud of myself for maintaining a fitness routine during pregnancy and knowing that exercising during pregnancy is good for the child birth process is a huge cherry on top. ” Prior to this year Olivia had already been through a fitness journey with me a couple years ago. I Read More…

protein smootie, healthy recipe

Cinnamon roll protein smoothie

Cinnamon roll protein smoothie Ingredients 1 banana 2 scoop (50g) vanilla protein powder 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 cup (240ml) almond milk 1 cup of ice cubes What you need to do… Place all ingredients into a blender and pulse until smooth. Serve. Nutrition per serving: 162 kcal           3g Fats 15g Carbs          22g Protein Serves: 2 Read More…

weight loss, recipes

Cod with creamy noodles

Cod with creamy noodles Ingredients For the Fish: 10 oz. (300g) cod fillets 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp. turmeric 1 tsp. oregano 1/2 tsp. chili 1 tbsp. buckwheat flour 1/4 cup (60ml) vegetable stock 1/3 cup (80ml) cream (dairy or plant based) 3 tbsp. chives, chopped   For the Zucchini: 2 medium zucchinis 1 tsp. Read More…

Rest, cup of tea, wellness

Why you aren’t recovering properly…

Why you aren’t resting & recovering properly… The kids are in bed. The dishes are done. And you’ve just switched the tv over to something you like. Perfect right? Maybe not… The average person’s relationship with rest and recovery is toxic. We see rest as lazy and recovery as weak. This mindset tends to kick Read More…

scrambled eggs

Asian style scrambled eggs

Asian styled scrambled eggs. Ingredients… 3 eggs 2 egg whites 1 tbsp. soy sauce 2 tsp. sesame oil 1 1/4 cup (200g) mixed Asian vegetables 1 tsp. black sesame seeds coriander, to serve   What you need to do… Whisk eggs and egg whites together in a bowl. Season with pepper and soy sauce. Heat Read More…

exercise, man, shadow

Batman hate’s the scales!

Scaling back on the scales… If your life was a batman movie. Your scales would be Bane. (He’s the bad guy by the way) And you’d be Batman. But Bane gives batman a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Just like the scales do for most people. The scales make you want Read More…